
PSA welcomes Royal Commission’s inclusion of medication management

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), the peak national body for pharmacists in Australia, welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement that medication management will be part of the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.


The Royal Commission will inquire into all aspects of the quality and safety of care in all forms of Commonwealth-funded aged care services, including medication management.


PSA National President Dr Shane Jackson said, “We welcome the Royal Commission’s commitment to investigate medication management in aged care, which has been a concern for many years.


“Medicines are complex and medication errors cost Australia more than $1.2 billion annually.


“PSA believes clearly defining the roles and utilising the expertise of pharmacists in aged care facilities would ensure appropriate prescribing, a reduction in medication errors, and clinical, operational and economic benefits through the safe and optimal use of medicines.”


In its contribution to the Terms of Reference, PSA urged the Government to ensure the Royal Commission examines the extent of suboptimal medication management in aged care, particularly the use/overuse of antipsychotics, sedatives and antimicrobials, and determine interventions and opportunities to address this to ensure safe and effective medication treatment.


PSA also suggested the Terms of Reference include how requirements of the Aged-Care Quality Standards and related guidelines relating to medicines management are being met in residential aged care facilities, and whether the principles of the Government’s Quality Use of Medicine strategy are currently being met within aged care.


PSA looks forward to seeing the Royal Commission’s interim report on 31 October 2018 and the final report in April 2020.



Media contact:   

Jarryd Luke
Senior Communications Officer
0487 922 176

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