
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

PSA RAP artwork

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is delighted to launch its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) framework.


PSA’s RAP received formal endorsement from Reconciliation Australia in May 2021. The RAP framework provides the PSA with a structured approach to advancing reconciliation throughout the organisation.


The first stage in this plan, Reflect, helps PSA gauge where it stands in relation to reconciliation action. By the conclusion of Reflect, the organisation will have influenced positive cultural change across the organisation.


PSA National President, A/Prof Chris Freeman, stressed the importance of this strategy.


“PSA is delighted to launch our RAP, as it signifies an important milestone for the organisation. PSA’s RAP will build on current reconciliation initiatives within the organisation, driving reconciliation through awareness and action.”


“Our RAP provides a strategic framework that will ensure PSA is a culturally safe workplace and welcoming for everyone, irrespective of their cultural heritage.”


“As the peak body representing pharmacists, Australia’s most accessible workforce, PSA is ideally placed to improve medicine safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, particularly in rural and remote communities.”


Providing culturally safe health care comes with understanding and acceptance of the impact that generational disadvantage has had and continues to have on the mental and physical health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The development of this RAP is a commitment to ensure the cultural literacy of PSA staff towards being a culturally safe workplace which is then reflected in our member education and practice support services.


PSA is committed to creating a culturally safe and inclusive environment for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, members, stakeholders and patients.


To contact the PSA Reconciliation Action Group, email rap@psa.org.au


To view the PSA RAP framework PDF, click the Download button.

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