
Professional Indemnity Insurance

As a registered pharmacist, you must be covered by your own, or a third party’s professional indemnity insurance to meet the registration standards: professional indemnity insurance arrangements.

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Pharmaceutical Defence Limited (PDL) are a provider of Pharmacists’ Liabilities insurance which includes cover for Professional Indemnity and Public & Products Liability insurance for registered pharmacists. PDL and PSA are collaborating on medicine safety and pharmacist practice support, and exploring together new medicine safety initiatives.


  • PDL is 100% owned by its pharmacist members
  • PDL covers everything in the scope of practice to meet the requirements of pharmacist registration as set by the Pharmacy Board of Australia
  • PDL provides an Australia wide service for pharmacists with 24/7 incident support, professional guidance, and personalised confidential support.


Click here to visit  the PDL website. Call PDL on 1300 854 838 if you need any assistance.