
Notice of PSA Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 30 September 2020


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) will take place on Thursday 29 October 2020 at 6pm (AEDT).


Due to the extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19, PSA’s AGM will be held virtually and all members and proxyholders can participate via the PSA Member portal.


Following pre-registration which can be completed here, an email will be sent containing a link which will be used to log into the zoom meeting on the date of the AGM, with members asked to start logging in no later than 5:45pm.


PSA members are encouraged to participate in the AGM by watching the live webcast, asking questions and voting by Zoom poll where members will be prompted to answer the polling questions with a Yes or No answer and all responses will remain anonymous.


Any eligible Member unable to attend the AGM virtually via Zoom is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend the AGM and vote on their behalf in accordance with the directions on the Proxy Form. 


Business of the Meeting

  • To receive and consider the PSA’s audited financial report and reports of the Directors and auditor for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.
  • To receive and consider the President’s Report.
  • To consider any other business that may be brought before the AGM in accordance with the Constitution or the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


Members will be able to listen to the proceedings and view the presentation through Zoom (including being able to ask questions online by speaking when being provided with an opportunity to do so).


A representative of PSA’s auditor will be available at the AGM to answer questions relevant to the audited financial report and reports of the Directors and auditor for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.


Media contact: PSA media 0487 922 176