
PSA21VIRTUAL: PSA announces Communities of Specialty Interest

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is delighted to launch the Early Career Pharmacists Communities of Specialty Interest (CSI) group, during this morning’s session at PSA21VIRTUAL.


The CSI-ECP is the first of a number of CSI’s that PSA will be releasing over the next few months. The CSI’s will be the facilitated online forum for developing focused strategy, policy, and practice training and tools, which will propel the profession into the future.


The CSI’s have been established in order to deliver an exclusive member benefit and demonstrates that PSA is committed to professional development and industry growth. These forums will allow members to collaborate, network and voice opinions that will shape the profession.


The Early Career Pharmacists CSI group will build on the strong platform of the ECP working groups, and will continue to provide leadership from early career pharmacists to PSA. The CSI-ECP seeks to identify areas of importance to early career pharmacists and to propose solutions, provide data, develop insights and assist with testing ideas that address current strategic gaps.


PSA National President, A/Prof Chris Freeman, explained how the forums will benefit the profession as a whole.


“We are delighted to launch these innovative forums and are confident that they will have a positive impact on the pharmacy profession in Australia.


“The CSI’s will provide members with an opportunity to discuss current and emerging practice needs and speciality interests, through dedicated leadership and group forums.


“The principle focus of the CSI’s is to provide a pharmacist’s perspective in a defined practice area, and to support the vision and mission of the PSA relating to that practice.


“PSA is constantly encouraging members to translate their passion, and these forums will prompt them to shape new policies, models of practice, strategic guidelines, career pathways and practice tools,” A/Prof Freeman said.


In September, PSA will launch three new CSI’s in the areas of Contemporary Community Pharmacy Practice, Interdisciplinary Team-based Care, and Respiratory Care.


For more information on PSA CSI’s, please visit psa.org.au/csi.





Media contact: PSA media 0424 777 463