
PSA congratulates Anna Barwick MPS on being awarded the Medal of Order of Australia (OAM)

26 January 2025


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) congratulates NSW pharmacist Member Mrs Anna Barwick MPS on being awarded the Medal of Order of Australia (OAM) in the 2025 Australia Day Honours.


Ms Barwick founded PharmOnline, an innovative platform which connects Australian patients living in remote areas with pharmacy services. A pharmacy academic from Walcha, NSW, she previously served on PSA’s NSW Branch Committee, including holding the role of vice-president from 2014-2020.


PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS acknowledged Anna’s enormous contribution to pharmacy profession.


“Anna is a truly outstanding pharmacist. A pioneer of innovation, she has consistently transformed access to care in her community and beyond. I have been privileged to see first-hand Anna’s work, and hope that others are as inspired and energised as I am by her contribution to the community and to the next generation of pharmacists.” A/Prof Sim said.


“Long recognised by the profession, having won PSA’s Pharmacy Shark Tank award in 2021 and NSW Pharmacist of the Year in 2021, I am excited to see her achievements recognised on the national stage.”


“On behalf of PSA and the pharmacy profession, I sincerely congratulate Anna on this well-deserved recognition.”


Learn more about Anna’s work in Australian Pharmacist.

Improved access to contraceptive services for women and girls in Queensland

9 August 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) welcomes the commencement of the Queensland Community Pharmacy Hormonal Contraception Pilot, which will improve access to high-quality and integrated contraceptive services for Queensland women and girls.

Queensland pharmacists participating in the Pilot can now enrol in PSA’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Contraceptive Service – Queensland training program. Once completed, Queensland pharmacists can immediately begin offering the service to Queensland women.

The commencement of the Pilot comes just days after PSA launched Pharmacists in 2030, which outlines a vision for pharmacists in delivering greater access to care for all health care consumers by increasing and leveraging the accessibility of pharmacists to address unmet health needs.

PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim congratulated the Queensland government for recognising the expertise pharmacists to contribute to women’s health through enabling better access to hormonal contraception

“Pharmacists are accessible, trusted health care professionals who are well placed to assist women to access their preferred hormonal contraception,” she said. “This pilot opens up one more option for women in Queensland to access when considering their contraceptive options.”

“Women and girls around the country deserve improved access to care. Contraception access is not a luxury, but a basic health care need. We urge governments across the country to follow suit, enabling improved access to contraceptive services.”

“PSA has been and will continue to work collaboratively with governments and stakeholders to ensure these services can be implemented professionally, effectively and safely.” she said.

PSA’s CEO Adjunct Associate Professor Steve Morris encouraged pharmacists to undertake training to deliver contraception prescribing services.

“Pharmacists prescribing hormonal contraception will mean more accessible care for Queensland women, putting patient care first and ensuring safe and effective contraception options are available when and where they’re needed,” he said.

“PSA has worked closely with Queensland Health to certify our training program which uses case-based learning powered by artificial intelligence – a world first in pharmacist education. The simulated clinical environment uses the most life-like patient simulations possible to hone pharmacist communication and clinical skills in providing more timely and safe access to hormonal contraception.”

“I encourage all community pharmacists in Queensland pilot pharmacies to engage with this training now so that we can all collectively improve women’s access to hormonal contraception across the state,” he said


PSA’s recently launched Pharmacists in 2030 vision can be found here: https://www.psa.org.au/advocacy/working-for-our-profession/pharmacists_in_2030/

PSA’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Contraceptives Service – Queensland training program can be found here: https://my.psa.org.au/s/detail/a11GB00000Lgbdw

Western Australia expands the role of community pharmacists

9 August 2024


Western Australians will soon have greater access to timely and convenient healthcare services through community pharmacists, a move that is welcomed by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) as a step forward in recognition of the need to improve access to care.

WA Minister for Health, Hon Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA today announced the Cook Government’s commitment to a new expanded role for community pharmacists in the treatment of a range of common and mild conditions, including shingles, acne, dermatitis, pain, nausea and vomiting, and wound management.

PSA sees an opportunity for pharmacists to better support patients with health services they currently have difficulty accessing; in Queensland, these services – and many others – are already routine pharmacist care.

PSA will work closely with the Government to ensure the program is appropriately scoped and evaluated. The design, development and implementation of the program will unfold over the next two years, with full operation to be in place by 2027.

PSA Western Australia President, Mr Kristian Ray MPS said the move leverages the state’s most accessible healthcare professionals to continue providing timely patient care.

“We thank the Cook Government for its commitment and collaboration with the profession to extend the role of WA pharmacists, better utilising the skills and accessibility of pharmacists to improve access to healthcare across the state, especially in regional and remote communities,” Mr Ray said

“We hope this expanded scope is just the next step in a bigger journey towards pharmacists practising to their full potential.

“Western Australian pharmacists have the knowledge and skillset to do much more to support chronic disease management.

“We encourage adoption of the approach taken in Queensland where pharmacists are already providing more support to patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and people with high cardiovascular risk.”

“PSA looks forward to working with the Government in the development of the program, which ultimately benefit patients.”

PSA National President, Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS is encouraging pharmacists to undertake training in anticipation of their expanding roles.

“Throughout scope expansion across the country, whether it is assessment and prescribing for management of urinary tract infections, oral contraception or other acute and chronic condition management programs, PSA has been supporting pharmacists along the way,” Associate Professor Sim said.

“Pharmacists should be supported so they are empowered to practice at top of scope.

“PSA is committed to focusing on workforce preparation, including training, education, practice support and upskilling of pharmacists to undertake and deliver these services.

“Patients across Australia deserve equitable access to healthcare.

“PSA looks forward to working with the government and universities as part of a collaborative approach to workforce preparation.”

Specific details of training programs will be provided soon.​

Tasmania becomes Australia’s 5th jurisdiction to authorise pharmacist-led RSV vaccination

9 August 2024


Pharmacist immunisers are able to authorise and administer RSV vaccines for pregnant women and people over 60 years of age following a change to the Tasmanian Pharmacist Immunisation Program Guidelines, in a move welcomed by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

The move follows a similar change in the ACT in recent weeks.

Tasmanian PSA President Mr Mark Kirschbaum urged at-risk Tasmanians to protect themselves against the debilitative condition;

“RSV is a serious condition in those at risk, particularly older people and infants. ATAGI have recommended vaccination as a single dose for all people over 75 years of age and pregnant women to offer immunity to newborns. I urge those who are at risk to talk to their pharmacist or doctor regarding the benefits and costs of RSV vaccination,” he said.

PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim urged other states to follow-suit, noting the complexity of regulations around who can authorise and administer vaccines is limiting community protection against vaccine-preventable diseases:

“I urge all regulators in all states to remove unnecessary barriers to vaccination, including for RSV vaccination” she said.

A/Prof Sim continued, “currently, pharmacist immunisers in Northern Territory and Western Australia can only administer RSV vaccines after a prescription has been issued. In South Australia, pharmacist immunisers cannot administer RSV vaccines, even when prescribed by a doctor. Meanwhile, in other states pharmacists have prescribed and administered thousands of doses of these life-saving vaccines. It just makes no sense, and it’s placing Australians at risk.”

“The Australian Immunisation Handbook is Australia’s national vaccination formulary. We should be working towards using this as our standard to define all vaccinator’s vaccine formularies, rather than using complex regulatory instruments in each state and territory,” A/Prof Sim concluded.

“National harmonisation of vaccination scope will ensure Australians receive equitable access to care.”

PSA’s vaccination hub has been developed to help pharmacists navigate the complex regulatory instruments regarding vaccines which they can authorise and administer. The state-by-state comparison tables are available here: https://www.psa.org.au/state-vaccination-regulations/

PSA to drive environmental sustainability through appointment of CEO to new climate and health advisory group

8 August 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) welcomes the appointment of its Chief Executive Officer Adjunct Associate Professor Steve Morris to the to the Government’s Climate & Health Expert Advisory Group (CHEAG) by the Hon. Ged Kearney MP, Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care.

The appointment was announced just days after PSA launched Pharmacists in 2030, which outlined the need for pharmacists to be supported to incorporate environmental sustainability improvements in their workplaces, including energy efficiency, waste reduction and deprescribing.

Adj A/Prof Steve Morris said that the establishment of the advisory group was an opportunity for the entire health sector to come together to limit the negative impacts of climate change on health and wellbeing of Australians.

“Sustainability is important for overall wellbeing of individuals, the community and the world in which we live,’ he said.

“The provision of healthcare makes a bigger impact on the climate than many of us realise. For example, healthcare contributes 7 per cent of Australia’s total carbon emissions. This is greater than the total carbon emissions from my home state of South Australia.”

“With health and wellbeing of patients being primary concerns of pharmacists, we all have a professional obligation to limit the negative health impacts caused by climate change through direct action, leadership and patient support.”

Adj A/Prof Morris thanked the Assistant Minister for her leadership on this issue.

“I am delighted to be able to contribute to this important advisory group,” Adj A/Prof Morris said.

“I look forward to working with Assistant Minister Kearney, Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly, other health sector leaders and consumers to reduce the environmental impacts of healthcare and, by doing so, improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians.”

PSA’s recently launched Pharmacists in 2030 vision can be found here: https://www.psa.org.au/advocacy/working-for-our-profession/pharmacists_in_2030/

Pharmacists to administer RSV vaccines in NSW

1 March 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) encourages New South Wales residents over the age of 60 years to book an RSV vaccine appointment with their local pharmacist, following the NSW Government today becoming the first state to allow pharmacists to initiate and administer RSV vaccines. 


The updated NSW Pharmacist Vaccination Standards follows yesterday’s statement from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, recommending people over the age of 75 years receive RSV vaccination as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged over 60 years and those aged over 60 with medical conditions that increase the risk of severe disease due to RSV. All other people over the age of 60 years are also eligible for RSV vaccination. 


PSA NSW President Luke Kelly welcomed the move, saying it was important people protected themselves against infectious diseases ahead of winter. 


“We’ve seen massive advances in vaccine technology in recent years and it’s fantastic older Australians – the people who are most at risk of complications and death from RSV – can take positive steps to protect themselves,” he said. 


“I thank the NSW Government for proactively expanding vaccination access for our most vulnerable populations and look forward to continuing to work alongside them to improve vaccine uptake across New South Wales.” 


PSA National President, Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS, called on other Australian jurisdictions to follow NSW’s lead. 


“ATAGI yesterday issued three significant statements about vaccination – for COVID-19, influenza and, for the first time, RSV. Now we have a vaccine that is recommended, it’s important to make sure people can access it from all their regular vaccine providers.” 


RSV vaccines are currently not funded by the National Immunisation Program. 


PSA is hosting a LIVE WEBINAR Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prevention in Older Adults Amidst Expanding Vaccine Landscape on Wednesday 20 March at 7pm AEDT. Registrations are essential – visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2fW5xOFBS2agw_W8b1J9Cw#/registration 

Pharmacists ready to administer more vaccines to more Tasmanians

Thursday 23 March 2023


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia joins with the Tasmanian premier encouraging Tasmanians to utilise the vaccinating skills of their local pharmacist when having a prescribed vaccine dispensed.


Premier Rockliff this morning launched updated Tasmanian Immunisation Program Guidelines at a pharmacy in South Hobart, which comes into effect today.


PSA’s Tasmanian President David Peachey welcomed the Premier’s support and endorsement of the skills of pharmacists as core part of Tasmania’s vaccinator workforce:


‘Pharmacists are ready to support the Tasmanian population by administering prescribed vaccines and bypassing an unnecessary return trip to the medical centre after a vaccine has been dispensed at a community pharmacy’


‘Next time you take a prescription for a vaccine to your local pharmacy, you can save a return visit to the medical centre by having your pharmacist administer it for you. This is in addition to medicines pharmacists can already authorise and administer, including influenza, COVID19, whooping cough and Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR).’


Mr Peachey said the move would help reduce pressure on wait times for medical services, as well and provide a more convenient option for patients:


‘Tasmanian pharmacists know all too well the overwhelming pressure and demand our medical colleagues are experiencing, and we welcome any initiatives remove an unnecessary step in accessing health care, such as vaccination.


‘All health professionals need more time to with their patients who have more complex health needs, and having local pharmacists administering more vaccines helps facilitate this.’


PSA continues to advocate for pharmacist to be able to authorise as well as administer routine and travel health vaccines as their counterparts in other states, particularly NSW and Queensland, are already able to do.


PSA will also continue to advocate for the removal of cost discrimination on vaccine administration:


‘It makes no sense that patients cannot access a consultation fee for the administration of a vaccine, by pharmacists yet the MBS has provision for both nurses and medical practitioners to do this in general practice. Mr Peachey continued.


’As long as community pharmacists must continue to charge administration fees to cover the cost of this service, it will not reach its full potential.’


Media contact: Georgia Clarke M: 0480 099 798 E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au 

PSA welcomes refreshed National Medicines Policy

20 December 2022


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) welcomes the updated National Medicines Policy, announced today by Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP.


The National Medicines Policy is a framework for ensuring Australians have timely access to affordable, quality medicines that are used appropriately.


The refreshed plan elevates the need to address access challenges, particularly equity and equality for all Australians, and is consistent with PSA’s plan for the future, Pharmacists in 2023, placing patients at the centre of care supported by pharmacists as medicine experts wherever medicines are prescribed, supplied or administered.


Dr Fei Sim, National President of PSA, congratulated Professor Michael Kidd AM on delivering an improved policy which meets the contemporary needs of Australians.


“Medicines are our most common intervention in health care. It is essential that Australians have access to quality and affordable medicines when they need them.” said Dr Sim.


“PSA has long advocated for the NMP to be reviewed, so we are very pleased to see the Minister deliver on this today. We welcome support for national pharmacovigilance systems, however it is crucial that these systems be nationally coordinated and real-time in order to significantly reduce harms which can be caused by medicines.


“We also welcome the recognition that clinical indicators will need to be used to evaluate policy, as this is something else PSA has been fighting for over many years. It is great to see Minister Butler commit to regular 5-yearly reviews to ensure the NMP remains up to date.


“PSA has long been concerned about the preventable harm caused by medicines and has driven the conversation on medicine safety in Australia. We are excited to see changes in policy which should help drive solutions and improve medicine safety for all Australians and look forward to partnering with the government and other organisations to deliver on the goals of this policy.


PSA would like to thank the Expert Advisory Committee members including Emeritus Professor Lloyd Sansom AO, Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin MPS, Mr David Herd, and Mrs Jan Donovan for their contributions.


Media contact:   Candice Burch M: 0403 973 097     E: Candice.burch@psa.org.au

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is the only national peak body that represents all of Australia’s pharmacists across all practice settings. We want every Australian to have access to the best healthcare, and this must include optimising access to pharmacists’ knowledge and medicines expertise at the forefront of our healthcare system.

SA Health Minister launches PSA Museum

Friday 16 December 2022


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is proud to open the new pharmaceutical museum in South Australia.


The collection, which is housed at the PSA offices in Adelaide, showcases the history of pharmacy practice, including compounding from botanical sources: opium poppies, lavender, coca, and cannabis through to the emergence of propriety products like asthma cigarettes and various other products like chocolate coated Blaud, strychnine and arsenic pills.


The South Australian Health Minister Chris Picton MP formally opened the museum today. The Minister commended PSA for its work on curating the museum.


“It is wonderful to see such an important and interesting part of our health history on display for South Australians to enjoy. This museum demonstrates just how far pharmacy has come, while showcasing its fascinating origins” the Minister said.


PSA South Australia and Northern Territory Vice President Dr Manya Angley thanked the Health Minister for opening the museum, saying that it demonstrates just how far pharmacy has come.


“We are very lucky to have medicines and tools from pharmacists dating back to the 1800s,” Dr Angley said.


“Many of them we now consider dangerous, with regulations and testing increasing safety in use of medicines and medical devices.


“The collection also contains the beautiful gold leaf carboys which are used as decoration with no other function. There is a significant collection of items from the Runges Pharmacies that were acquired by PSA in the 1980s.


There is an extensive collection of historic books including one pharmacological text dating back to 1704! Among other texts on display are a number of handwritten prescription books – still in use in the 1970s – pharmacists’ own formularies, a collection of pharmacopeias from South Australian hospitals and some versions of the Australian War Pharmacopeia. The museum also houses one of the only collections containing every edition of the ‘bible of pharmacy’, PSA’s Australian Pharmaceutical Handbook and Formulary (APH).


“The museum is a special place for pharmacists to better connect with the profession and will be a central part of future PSA events in Adelaide.


“We sincerely thank Runge family, Trevor Lockett, Trevor Craig and Brian Edwards for their generous donations to the museum.


The Minister also announced the naming of the Lloyd Sansom training room and Grant Kardachi boardroom in recognition of both Lloyd and Grant’s significant and enduring leadership in pharmacy.


The museum will be open to the public by appointment with the PSA SA Office on (08) 8272 1211.


Media contact:   Candice Burch M: 0403 973 097     E: candice.burch@psa.org.au


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is the only national peak body that represents all of Australia’s pharmacists across all practice settings. We want every Australian to have access to the best healthcare, and this must include optimising access to pharmacists’ knowledge and medicines expertise at the forefront of our healthcare system.

SA Health Sector must work together to improve patient access

19 December 2022

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) strongly rejects recent comments made by Australian Medical Association South Australia (AMA(SA)) that pharmacist prescribing pilots put patients at risk and calls on the AMA(SA) to work collaboratively with South Australian pharmacists to improve patient access to health care.


PSA SA/NT Branch President Veronika Seda MPS welcomed the Parliament of South Australia Select Committee inquiry on Access to Urinary Tract Infection Treatment.


“The Queensland Urinary Tract Infection Pharmacy Pilot (UTIPP-Q) has been undeniably successful, improving patient access to timely care.


“Pharmacists are registered health professionals with the same ethical and moral obligations as doctors. Pharmacists undergo a minimum of five-years’ training, as well as additional education and training so that they can provide the best possible care to their patients.


“Prescribing and dispensing are separate clinical activities. However, there are many examples where it is widely accepted that they can both be undertaken by the same clinician – whether this be vaccination, supply of Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 medicines – such as thrush treatments or medicines for migraines – or supply of a month’s prescription medicine in an emergency.’


“The common factor in all of these is strong clinical governance oversight, including professional standards, regulation, and program rules. A UTI program in South Australia would be no different.”


“Pharmacist prescribing trials conducted in other jurisdictions have shown pharmacists adhere to these strict protocols based on antimicrobial stewardship and best practice guidelines. Referral to a GP, where appropriate, is embedded into the protocol.


“Measures such as pharmacist vaccinations and pharmacist prescribing improve safe access to care. There is incredible demand on doctors, especially for complex presentations and chronic disease management. 


“It is time for doctors’ groups to put aside turf wars and work with other healthcare professionals to find better ways to support patients, because patients deserve timely access to care – they should not be disadvantaged based on their location, health or social status.


PSA remains committed to working collaboratively with the entire health sector to deliver best outcomes for patients.



Media contact:   Candice Burch M: 0403 973 097     E: candice.burch@psa.org.au

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