
Persistent Pain

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An estimated 3.4 million Australians are living with persistent pain.1 Pain significantly affects a person’s quality of life and is associated with increased disability and high levels of psychological distress, anxiety and depression.2,3 


The below resources and activities have been specifically designed for pharmacists to assist people to think differently about persistent pain by addressing their thoughts and feelings and identifying when medicines may, or may not, be of benefit.  

Resources and activities

Link to Pharmacist Quick Reference Guide on Cumulative Medicines

Access the Pharmacist Quick Reference Guide: Persistent Pain

Link to Pharmacist Case Series

Access the  Pharmacist Case Series: Pharmacist Case Series: Supporting patients with persistent pain. 


1. Painaustralia. Painful Facts. 2020. At: https://www.painaustralia.org.au/about-pain/painaustralia-painful-facts

2. Kroenke K, Outcalt S, Krebs E, Bair M, Wu J, Chumbler N et al. Association between anxiety, health-related quality of life and functional impairment in primary care patients with chronic pain. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2013; 35(4): 359-365.  

3. Holmes A, Christelis N, Arnold C. Depression and chronic pain. Med J Aust. 2013; 199(S6): S17-20.

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