
Protected: Mechanisms facilitating timely access to anticipatory medicines for community palliative patients (palliPHARM).

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Vaccination Webinar Series

PSA vaccination webinar series 2024

Throughout the unprecedented health challenges faced on a global scale in recent years, pharmacists have been increasingly recognised as essential frontline healthcare providers, playing an essential role in safeguarding public health. Starting in January 2024, the expansion of National Immunisation Program (NIP) vaccine delivery by pharmacists will increase their role in vaccine uptake and accessibility in Australia. To further equip and empower pharmacists with the knowledge and skills required to excel in their expansion of vaccination scope of practice, PSA will deliver a series of vaccination webinars.


1. National Immunisation Program (NIP) – 31 January 2024, 7.30pm – 8.30pm AEDT

2. Shingles – 21 February 2024, 7.00pm – 8.30pm AEDT.

3. Respiratory Syncytial Virus – 20 March 2024, 7.30pm – 8.30pm AEDT

4. Influenza – 17 April 2024, 7.30pm – 8.30pm AEST – webinar registration details coming soon

5. Childhood vaccination (date & time to be confirmed) – webinar registration details coming soon

6. Pneumococcal disease (date & time to be confirmed) – webinar registration details coming soon


Thank you to our participating partners


GSK-Seqirus-Sanofi logos image

Pharmacists in 2030

Published in 2019, Pharmacists in 2023 was the primary report into the future role of pharmacists across Australia’s health systems.


The report opened with statements highlighting the Australian health system’s universality, effectiveness, and efficiency. It also highlighted megatrends which would test these vital attributes and identified ways to unlock the potential of pharmacists to help respond to these trends. What was not identified in 2019 was the extent of acceleration for these trends which the COVID-19 pandemic would bring.


We have come a long way to achieving the vision set out in Pharmacists in 2023. As we reach the end date on this plan, it is time to reflect on these achievements and use its successes and lessons to forge the next plan for the profession as we head towards 2030. But there is much more to do.



Consultation has now closed. If you wish to provide feedback beyond the consultation, please email policy@psa.org.au


PSA has sought input from a range of stakeholders, including pharmacists, industry, governments, peak bodies, and other health professionals.


The next consultation phase seeks important feedback from the patients and customers we serve.


Your views are vital to shaping a future that serves the changing needs of our communities and supports the sustainability of the health sector.


Read the full consultation paper here and complete the consultation survey below.

Industry consultation open

September 2023



Consultation closes

December 2023



Review feedback, insights

January 2024



PSA member only briefing

February 2024



Targeted consumer consultation

Throughout 2024



Consumer insight report launch

June 2024



Pharmacists in 2030 launch

August 2024

Toward Pharmacists in 2030: Launch of Consultation Paper

25 September 2023     This World Pharmacists Day, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has launched consultation for its primary future vision report Pharmacists (…)

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60-day dispensing

To inform our ongoing advocacy and feedback to the Department about this policy, PSA has also established a dedicated contact for members to raise concerns and issues directly with our team.


If you have any examples of unintended consequences or issues as a result of the 60-day prescription policy,  please send an email to 60daydispensing@psa.org.au. This will help gather evidence on the impact on the ground.


If you are concerned about the clinical appropriateness of 60-day prescriptions – contact the prescriber in the first instance.


If you need professional advice – please call the PSA Pharmacist-to-Pharmacist advice line where one of our expert senior pharmacists will be able to help.


The Pharmacist-to-Pharmacist advice line is available exclusively to PSA members, providing confidential, independent and specialised advice to support and guide your practice, referencing the most up-to-date standards, guidelines and resources developed by PSA and regulatory bodies.


Contact the Pharmacist-to-Pharmacist Advice Line on 1300 369 772 – Option 5, between 8.30am and 5.00pm AEST Monday to Friday, or via P2Padvice@psa.org.au.

Stage 1 includes 92 medicines (256 PBS items) and represents roughly one third of all the medicines proposed to be made eligible for 60-day prescriptions. The 256 PBS items include different dosage forms and strengths of Stage 1 medicines.


The list of the Stage 1 medicines is available here.


Australian Pharmacist has published a thorough practice update.


Members who require further support to transition to 60-day dispensing have access to PSA’s dedicated Pharmacist-to-Pharmacist Advice Line for professional and practice support.


1300 369 772






PSA is also continuing our efforts on ensuring there is meaningful reinvestment into our profession to enable pharmacists to continue to deliver high quality healthcare to Australians.


This is no doubt a challenging and emotional time for many of us. Please continue to look after yourself and others around you.  If you require support, the Pharmacists’ Support Service is also available on 1300 244 910.

Previous updates

Securing pharmacy’s future

14 July 2023


We have so far met with around 30 MPs and senators, as well as the Department of Health. In these meetings, we raised our concerns about the 60-day dispensing policy and aged care program, and put forward recommendations on away forward and how meaningful reinvestment can be undertaken to maintain viability of the community pharmacy network.


The way forward must acknowledge the:

  1. real impact of this policy on our profession, patients and health system
  2. essential role that community pharmacies and pharmacists play in primary care


Our message and conversations are clear, that the reinvestment should support pharmacy programs with a focus on accessible care and safe and effective use of medicines. This can include services such as triage and referral/minor ailments programs, removing caps on medication reviews and DAAs, and allowing pharmacists to have greater autonomy to utilise our clinical judgements.


The proposed reinvestment can only be considered meaningful if the needs of the vulnerable and specific patient groups are addressed. These include older Australians on multiple medications, patients on dose administration aids, people living in rural and remote communities, First Nations people, clients receiving Home Care Packages and people living with disability and chronic debilitating health conditions.


The implementation or uptake of any new programs may take time, and therefore safeguards must be in place to maintain viability of the community pharmacy network and ensure good patient care through optimising the role of pharmacists in primary healthcare delivery. As such, there may be a need to review and increase dispensing and AHI fees, or the acceleration of new service implementation.


On aged care, we continue to advocate for flexibility in service administration and delivery, and maximising pharmacists’ time on ground to deliver resident-level and facility-level duties to meet the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.


We have also raised our strong concern that the current proposal (through community pharmacy however without any remuneration for pharmacy engagement) will see significant implementation challenge in terms of uptake and equity. We are continuing our conversations with the Department, with more meetings to come.


Dr Fei Sim FPS

PSA National President

Support us to support you – Update on Senate Estimates

2 June 2023


Last week, the Senate’s Community Affairs Committee held hearings to discuss the Federal Budget measures impacting our profession. I wanted to provide you with an update on these proceedings and highlight the important role that the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) plays in advocating for pharmacists like you.


Alongside our members, PSA has been working tirelessly, in collaboration with other pharmacy organisations who share similar concerns, to represent your interests and to ensure your voice is heard. It was clear that our concerns are being heard.


Recent policy developments highlight the importance of unity and strong representation for all pharmacists. In crucial times like this, it is vital that our profession stays united in solidarity. As PSA’s National President, I am absolutely committed to advocating for your interests. I invite you to join me, our PSA elected officials, members and team, in our shared mission to enable pharmacists to be at the forefront of healthcare in Australia.


During the hearings, the committee questioned officials from the Department of Health regarding various policy measures, including the proposed 60-day dispensing, on-site aged care pharmacist program, and community pharmacy reinvestment.


Senate Estimates highlighted the impact of these proposed policies, with Senators referencing conversations with pharmacists. The discussions covered a wide range of topics, such as medicine shortages, pharmacy viability (especially in regional areas), aged care services, medicines wastage, safety considerations, and policy implementation approaches.


Department heads were asked to respond to a number of questions on topics ranging from medicine shortages, the viability of pharmacies – particularly in regional areas – aged care, medicines wastage, impact on safety, “reinvestment” and policy implementation approach. Senator Anne Ruston questioned the consultation and decision-making process, and the $1.6 billion loss in co-payments.


Much of the testimony explored details already on the public record, however additional insight was provided in some areas. For example, on aged care, the Department was asked to reflect on concerns that pharmacies have been providing DAAs to residential aged care facilities cross-subsidised by dispensing remuneration and that this may no longer be sustainable. Department of Health Deputy Secretary Penny Shakespeare noted that it is not an expectation that pharmacies provide free services to aged care facilities and that there is a willingness to consider ways to manage this impact.


In relation to 60-day dispensing, the Department has also:

  • Confirmed a substantial component of the “reinvestment” in community pharmacy will be used to top-up budgeted funds for professional services within the 7CPA.
  • Recognised there may be an increase in medicines wastage, but have described the likely impact as small in the context of the scale of the PBS and that they intend to monitor this via the RUM program.


In response to questions from ACT independent Senator David Pocock, the Department of Health described some of the remuneration and transition arrangements for opioid dependence program:

  • Patients will pay a PBS co-payment for the medicine (i.e., methadone or buprenorphine), but be subject to no additional charges.
  • Like other S100 HSD medicines, community pharmacies will be paid a markup, dispensing fee, and Dangerous Drug fee for the dispensing of this item.
  • A staged supply fee of $5.66 (including a $0.97 consumables allowance) will be provided for each dose provided by a pharmacist.
  • The Department is exploring transition arrangements so that existing prescriptions can be used for a period following the program’s start date.
  • The Department is exploring some transition arrangements for availability of OTP medicines for private clinics, but reaffirmed the policy intention is to reduce out-of-pocket patient costs.


On other measures discussed:

  • Following Minister Butler’s announcement of a scope of practice review for all health professionals, Department of Health Deputy Secretary Penny Shakespeare provided the committee with an update on preparation for the review. The Department is currently preparing the Terms of Reference for the review which will take 12-18 months to complete.
  • In response to questions regarding vaping reforms, Department of Health Secretary Brendan Murphy indicated that non-prescription supply of nicotine-vapes for smoking cessation by pharmacists is a policy option the TGA is considering.


Please let me emphasise that the momentum of our advocacy efforts must continue if we want to ensure there is meaningful reinvestment into our profession as a pathway forward, to maintain the career prospects of our pharmacists and the viability of the community pharmacy network. Pharmacists can do more, the health system and our patients need pharmacists to do more, but pharmacists can’t do more for less.


As a valued member of our esteemed FB ECP group, I thank you for being part of our dynamic community that is shaping the future of pharmacy. Your dedication and passion are instrumental in driving the progress of our profession.


For those who are already PSA members, I appreciate your continued support and commitment to your professional growth. Your membership enables PSA to provide you with exclusive resources, networking opportunities, and tailored support to help you thrive as an early career pharmacist.


To those who haven’t yet joined us, I invite you to embark on this exciting journey with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA). Renew your membership today or join us for the first time by visiting PSA Membership or emailing membership@psa.org.au. Together, lets forge a better future for our profession.


If you have any questions or any feedback, feel free to reach out to our team on 1300 369 772.


Best wishes,


Dr Fei Sim FPS

PSA National President

Pharmacists ready to administer more vaccines to more Tasmanians

Thursday 23 March 2023


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia joins with the Tasmanian premier encouraging Tasmanians to utilise the vaccinating skills of their local pharmacist when having a prescribed vaccine dispensed.


Premier Rockliff this morning launched updated Tasmanian Immunisation Program Guidelines at a pharmacy in South Hobart, which comes into effect today.


PSA’s Tasmanian President David Peachey welcomed the Premier’s support and endorsement of the skills of pharmacists as core part of Tasmania’s vaccinator workforce:


‘Pharmacists are ready to support the Tasmanian population by administering prescribed vaccines and bypassing an unnecessary return trip to the medical centre after a vaccine has been dispensed at a community pharmacy’


‘Next time you take a prescription for a vaccine to your local pharmacy, you can save a return visit to the medical centre by having your pharmacist administer it for you. This is in addition to medicines pharmacists can already authorise and administer, including influenza, COVID19, whooping cough and Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR).’


Mr Peachey said the move would help reduce pressure on wait times for medical services, as well and provide a more convenient option for patients:


‘Tasmanian pharmacists know all too well the overwhelming pressure and demand our medical colleagues are experiencing, and we welcome any initiatives remove an unnecessary step in accessing health care, such as vaccination.


‘All health professionals need more time to with their patients who have more complex health needs, and having local pharmacists administering more vaccines helps facilitate this.’


PSA continues to advocate for pharmacist to be able to authorise as well as administer routine and travel health vaccines as their counterparts in other states, particularly NSW and Queensland, are already able to do.


PSA will also continue to advocate for the removal of cost discrimination on vaccine administration:


‘It makes no sense that patients cannot access a consultation fee for the administration of a vaccine, by pharmacists yet the MBS has provision for both nurses and medical practitioners to do this in general practice. Mr Peachey continued.


’As long as community pharmacists must continue to charge administration fees to cover the cost of this service, it will not reach its full potential.’


Media contact: Georgia Clarke M: 0480 099 798 E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au 

SA Health Minister launches PSA Museum

Friday 16 December 2022


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is proud to open the new pharmaceutical museum in South Australia.


The collection, which is housed at the PSA offices in Adelaide, showcases the history of pharmacy practice, including compounding from botanical sources: opium poppies, lavender, coca, and cannabis through to the emergence of propriety products like asthma cigarettes and various other products like chocolate coated Blaud, strychnine and arsenic pills.


The South Australian Health Minister Chris Picton MP formally opened the museum today. The Minister commended PSA for its work on curating the museum.


“It is wonderful to see such an important and interesting part of our health history on display for South Australians to enjoy. This museum demonstrates just how far pharmacy has come, while showcasing its fascinating origins” the Minister said.


PSA South Australia and Northern Territory Vice President Dr Manya Angley thanked the Health Minister for opening the museum, saying that it demonstrates just how far pharmacy has come.


“We are very lucky to have medicines and tools from pharmacists dating back to the 1800s,” Dr Angley said.


“Many of them we now consider dangerous, with regulations and testing increasing safety in use of medicines and medical devices.


“The collection also contains the beautiful gold leaf carboys which are used as decoration with no other function. There is a significant collection of items from the Runges Pharmacies that were acquired by PSA in the 1980s.


There is an extensive collection of historic books including one pharmacological text dating back to 1704! Among other texts on display are a number of handwritten prescription books – still in use in the 1970s – pharmacists’ own formularies, a collection of pharmacopeias from South Australian hospitals and some versions of the Australian War Pharmacopeia. The museum also houses one of the only collections containing every edition of the ‘bible of pharmacy’, PSA’s Australian Pharmaceutical Handbook and Formulary (APH).


“The museum is a special place for pharmacists to better connect with the profession and will be a central part of future PSA events in Adelaide.


“We sincerely thank Runge family, Trevor Lockett, Trevor Craig and Brian Edwards for their generous donations to the museum.


The Minister also announced the naming of the Lloyd Sansom training room and Grant Kardachi boardroom in recognition of both Lloyd and Grant’s significant and enduring leadership in pharmacy.


The museum will be open to the public by appointment with the PSA SA Office on (08) 8272 1211.


Media contact:   Candice Burch M: 0403 973 097     E: candice.burch@psa.org.au


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is the only national peak body that represents all of Australia’s pharmacists across all practice settings. We want every Australian to have access to the best healthcare, and this must include optimising access to pharmacists’ knowledge and medicines expertise at the forefront of our healthcare system.