PSA Special General Meeting
Proposed change to PSA constitution
Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Limited (PSA) ABN 49 008 532 07.
The PSA Board is excited to announce plans to acquire the Australian College of Pharmacy Pty Ltd (ACP), more commonly known as the Australasian College of Pharmacy, further enhancing PSA’s leadership in education and training for pharmacists and pharmacy assistants.
ACP has been delivering education, training, and research programs to the pharmacy sector since 1976.
To enable this momentus step forward, PSA members are being asked to support an amendment to the PSA Constitution at a Special General Meeting (SGM) on 19 February 2025.
For the acquisition to proceed, PSA members are asked to endorse a constitutional amendment in an upcoming Special General Meeting, providing for the appointment of four independent directors to complement PSA’s existing governance capabilities. These appointments will be skills-based, appointed by the former shareholders of the College, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia NSW Branch, and Pharmacy Guild of Australia QLD Branch, bringing additional corporate knowledge, skills and expertise into PSA to ensure a successful transition.
The SGM will be held virtually and in person at the PSA Office in Canberra. To ensure your voice is heard, we strongly encourage members to vote by proxy if unable to attend. Proxy voting is a simple and effective way to participate in this important decision.
- Date: 19 February 2025
- Time: Join by 5:45 pm for a 6 pm (AEDT) start
- Venue: Virtual and at PSA, Level 1/17 Denison St, Deakin ACT 2600
Can’t attend? Cast your vote electronically via proxy voting!
To view the following information, please log into the PSA Member portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why has the PSA Board decided to acquire ACP?
The decision to acquire ACP is part of the PSA Board’s broader plan to maximise member value through growth, expanding education opportunities for the profession, and securing a long-term, sustainable future for PSA as the premier training and education provider for pharmacists and pharmacy assistants and technicians.
Join the virtual member meeting on 4 February for further discussion with the PSA Board.
What does this mean for PSA members?
The constitutional change will allow PSA to acquire ACP. If the acquisition is completed, PSA members can expect:
- reduced pressure to increase PSA membership fees
- access to a greater range of high quality CPD for pharmacists
- increased focus on education to meet the growing needs of pharmacists in all areas of practice, including transition to full scope of practice and emerging roles.
Join the virtual member information session on Tuesday 4 February for further discussion with the PSA Board.
What steps need to be taken for the acquisition to be approved?
Members present at an SGM on Wednesday 19 February 2025 will vote on a constitutional amendment. 75% of members present must vote in favour (FOR) of the amendment in order for it to pass.
If you aren’t able to attend the SGM, register for proxy voting now
How do I vote?
Voting will take place during the SGM, which will be held virtually and in person at the PSA offices in Canberra on Wednesday 19 February 2025.
If you aren’t able to attend the SGM, register your proxy vote now.
What happens if I cannot attend the Special General Meeting on 19 February?
PSA members are able to nominate a proxy to submit their vote at the SGM.
What happens if PSA members vote down the amendment to the PSA constitution?
This would be a disappointing outcome for PSA and the profession as it would prevent the acquisition of ACP, and limit PSA’s ability to deliver education into the future.
Join the virtual member information session on 4 February for further discussion with the PSA Board. Register now.
What is proxy voting and how does it work?
A proxy vote allows you to appoint someone else to vote on your behalf at the Special General Meeting (SGM) if you cannot attend in person or virtually. The person you appoint (your “proxy”) can be:
- Any individual of your choice (they do not need to be a PSA member).
- The Chair of the meeting, by default, if you do not specify someone else or your appointed proxy does not attend.
Members can appoint a proxy using PSA’s secure online portal or by completing a proxy form. You can direct your proxy to vote FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN on the resolution. If no voting directions are provided, your proxy will decide how to vote.
Proxy forms must be received by 6 pm AEDT on 18 February 2025.
If your appointed proxy does not attend or fails to vote, the Chair of the meeting (currently National President A/Prof Fei Sim) will act as your proxy and vote as directed on your form. If no directions are given, the Chair will vote at their discretion.
You can appoint a proxy in two ways:
- Online: Use the secure PSA portal to appoint a proxy and provide voting instructions.
- Hard Copy: Request a hard copy proxy form by emailing Submit your completed form as directed before the deadline.
You can revoke or change your proxy appointment by submitting a new proxy form or by providing written notice to the Company Secretary before the proxy submission deadline.
Votes cast through a proxy can be either directed, or undirected.
- Directed Votes: You specify how your proxy must vote (e.g., FOR, AGAINST, ABSTAIN). They are legally required to follow your instructions.
- Undirected Votes: If you don’t provide instructions, your proxy (or the Chair) may vote or abstain at their discretion.
Where can I find more information?
- Notice of Meeting: Review the full details and attachments here.
- Explanatory Notes: Access explanatory notes about the proposed changes here.
- Proposed amendments to the Constitution: Review the full details here.
- Register for the Virtual Member Meeting (4 February 2025): Click here to register.
- Join the Special General Meeting (19 February 2025): Click here to join the live meeting.
- Submit Your Proxy Vote: Click here to register your proxy vote.
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