Ayomide (Mide) Ogundipe
Graduating with a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Curtin University, Ayomide completed her internship with Pharmacy 777 Whitford City in Perth, Western Australia. Her passion, organisation and innovation in professional services delivery earned her the national 2019 MIMs PSA Intern Pharmacist of the Year.
Driven by a passion for digital health transformation, Ayomide is currently pursuing a PhD at Curtin Medical School, where she focuses on evaluating the technological needs of community pharmacists to enable contemporary pharmacy practice. Alongside her research, she serves as a community pharmacist and sessional academic, contributing to the Bachelor and Master of Pharmacy programs at Curtin Medical School. In 2023, Ayomide was awarded PSA WA early career pharmacist of the year, for her contribution to pharmacy practice research and teaching, and Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in recognition of her commitment to teaching and learning excellence.
Ayomide was elected to the WA Branch Committee in 2020, where she currently serves as Vice President. Having been involved in the state and national Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) Early Career Pharmacist (ECP) group, Ayomide is the current PSA ECP Board Appointed Director and chair of the PSA ECP Community of Special Interest. She is also a member of the Membership, Products & Services Committee.