
Quality Use of Medicines for Insomnia and Sleep Health (QUMISH)

image of a man looking at a clock while lying in bed

PSA is partnering with the Australian Sleep Association (ASA), the Sleep Health Foundation and the University of Sydney to increase the knowledge and skills of pharmacists on insomnia and sleep health through The Quality Use of Medicines for Insomnia and Sleep Health (QUMISH) program.


The objectives of the program are to specifically look at the prescribing and dispensing of medicines used to treat insomnia/sleep health. The program will also focus other strategies to manage insomnia, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).


Click on the links below for available insomnia education.

tile for webinar - Wake up call

LIVE WEBINAR – Wakeup call – sleeping pills but what else.

Join Dr Daniel Hoyle, Prof Bandana Saini and Todd Marion to gain essential knowledge and confidence to promote changing behaviour in sleep management.


Attend live on the 13th of November 2024, 7:00-8:00pm AEDT or watch the recording after this date.

Insomnia CPD tile

This Australian Pharmacist article explores the significant role pharmacists can play in optimising patient care in insomnia management.


Download the Australian Pharmacist article on Insomnia – A Home Medicines Review (HMR) case study

This Australian Pharmacist article will support pharmacists to have a greater understanding of COMISA and their role in assisting patients with suspected COMISA.


Download the Australian Pharmacist article on COMISA.

Training plan for Benzodiazepines and link

After completing this activity, pharmacists will be able to appreciate the risks associated with BZRA use, identify patients taking long-term BZRAs who many benefit from deprescribing, and understand the appropriate management of insomnia.


Download the Australian Pharmacist article on Bedtime without benzodiazepines and “Zzz-drugs”

After reading this article, pharmacists will have a better understanding of first-line management strategies for insomnia.


Download the Australian Pharmacist article on Beyond sleep hygiene.

Fixing your ZZZ

This Australian Pharmacist article explores the pharmacist’s role in promoting the safe and effective use of non-prescription sleep aids and referring patients to appropriate care.


Download the Australian Pharmacist article on non-prescription sleep aids here.

Sleep Health Action Plan link image

The Sleep Health Action Plan is a brand-new tool to help health care providers support people who are experiencing sleep difficulties. Access it here for evidence-based advice on ways that sleep problems can be addressed.

This program will focus on enhancing awareness and understanding of the quality use of medicines and has been awarded under the Quality Use of Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Pathology (QUDTP) program.

block of logos PSA, ASA, SleepHealth Foundation and US
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