
PSA welcomes 8th Community Pharmacy Agreement, and enters into Strategic Agreement on Pharmacist Professional Practice

3 June 2024



The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) welcomes the announcement today that the Australian Government and Pharmacy Guild of Australia has finalised the 8th Community Pharmacy Agreement. PSA welcomes the certainty the 8CPA brings to the community pharmacy sector, and confidence it brings to the viability of Australia’s community pharmacies.


For the last 12 months, the community pharmacy sector has had uncertainty. The 8CPA delivers funding boost of $3billion for community pharmacy activities, certainty of funding for dose administration aids, staged supply, MedsChecks and the Regional Pharmacy Maintenance Allowance.


PSA has also announced the signing of the Strategic Agreement on Pharmacist Professional Practice was signed in Canberra today by National President A/Prof Fei Sim and the Minister for Health and Aged Care the Hon. Mark Butler.


The key Strategic Agreement with the Australian Government contains a program of work to deliver contemporary fundamental standards and guidelines that define pharmacy practice across all areas of practice.


Together, both agreements secure the most significant federal government commitment to supporting professional pharmacy practice in history, lifting the bar in quality of care and breadth of services delivered by pharmacists across the health system.


Discussions will continue for programs not contained in the 8CPA, including those delivered by pharmacists in all other areas of practice. PSA looks forward to leading further engagement with government in relation to these programs during the remainder of 2024.


Quotes attributable to PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim:


“On behalf of our members, PSA welcomes the signing of the 8th Community Pharmacy Agreement for the certainty it provides the sector. The funding committed by the Albanese government in the 8CPA is positive for community pharmacies and will result in more accessible care for patients through a strong, thriving and viable community pharmacy network.


“In particular, I thank Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler for his commitment, alongside PSA, to continue advancing the profession through a key Strategic Agreement on pharmacy practice.


“PSA’s intent through its negotiations with government is to ensure pharmacists are supported to do what they do best – support the health and wellbeing of Australians through providing access to health care and making the use of medicines safer.


“PSA’s Strategic Agreement on Pharmacist Professional Practice acknowledges that the role of pharmacists is changing and evolving, and with that comes the need to further develop the fundamental guidelines that underpin all elements and areas of pharmacy practice. This will ensure pharmacists can continue to deliver high standards and quality services which Australians rely on in a sustainable manner.

“While today is a milestone in negotiations regarding community pharmacy-delivered programs and services with government, there is more to be done.

“We are focused in continuing our work with Minister Butler and the Department of Health and Aged Care which will define the design, implementation and evaluation of pharmacist-led programs which are not in the 8CPA.

“We continue our commitment on supporting the pharmacy workforce through practice support and education which has always been one of the core responsibilities of the PSA.”

Quotes attributable to PSA Lead Negotiator Dr Shane Jackson:


“The 8PCA is a positive outcome for the profession and the Australian community. It will help improve access to care in a sustainable manner.

“PSA’s strategic agreement focuses on supporting pharmacists, and helping pharmacists demonstrate the value of what we do. It provides a pathway to create data and evidence to demonstrate the need for long-term, continued funding for programs we know are critical to the Quality Use of Medicines.

“Now that the 8CPA and Strategic Agreement on Pharmacist Professional Practice have been announced, we turn our focus to providing a structure for optimisation of programs no longer contained in the 8CPA, as well as new programs that may be delivered by pharmacists.”



A copy of the PSA Strategic Agreement on Pharmacist Professional Practice is available on the Department of Health website.

Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

8CPA negotiations to begin a year ahead of schedule

8 August 2023


The PSA welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement that early negotiations for the 8th Community Pharmacy Agreement (CPA) will begin as soon as possible, whilst highlighting the need to secure the short-term viability of the community pharmacy sector.


Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler MP has said the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia will continue to be signatories to any new agreement, with negotiations set to conclude by the end of the 2023-24 financial year.


PSA National President Dr Fei Sim FPS said that negotiations for 8CPA must harness community pharmacists as the solution to Australia’s primary care crisis – but emphasised immediate and long-term viability risks could make this difficult to achieve.


“PSA looks forward to working with the government and the Pharmacy Guild to drive better and safer access to medicines for Australians,” Dr Sim said.


“We need to do more to reduce the preventable harm medicines are causing in Australia. Up to half of the 250,000 medicine-related hospital admissions per year in Australia are preventable.


“More Australians are finding it more difficult to access their essential medicines due to waiting times to access their regular prescribers. These are real problems PSA will seek solutions for during the 8CPA negotiations.


“The new agreement should enable pharmacists to practice to full scope. This agreement should deliver better access to care for all Australians by cementing the core role of pharmacists as the stewards for safe and effective use of medicines.”


“As the peak body representing pharmacists in Australia, and as steward of professional standards, PSA is committed to working constructively and collaboratively during this process of negotiation to deliver the outcome which includes better ways for pharmacists to show the impact of the care they provide.


“PSA has championed embedding of quality and safety measures in pharmacy programs for many years, and will seek to drive evaluation measures in CPA programs to help demonstrate the role pharmacists play every day in supporting safer and more effective use of medicines.


“While there is up to 11 months before negotiations are proposed to conclude, the real impact of 60-day dispensing will be felt immediately by community pharmacists as the measure commences on 1 September. We must ensure close alignment between the commencement of 60-day dispensing and the commencement of a new community pharmacy agreement.


“Pharmacists need certainty now that the care they provide will remain viable in the short term.


“As a profession, pharmacists can do more and want to do more. But we can’t keep doing more with less.”


Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au