
PSA welcomes new Tasmanian Health Minister

21 October 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) congratulates Jacquie Petrusma MP on her appointment as Tasmania’s next Minister for Health, and thanks outgoing Minister Guy Barnett MP for his service to the portfolio.


PSA Tasmania President Mark Kirschbaum FPS welcomed Minister Petrusma to the role.


“Minister Petrusma is an experienced, strong leader for Tasmania’s health portfolio,” Mr Kirschbaum said.


“Minister Petrusma’s energy and experience as a Registered Nurse will no doubt benefit the sector as we face the nation-wide challenges of an ageing population.


“On behalf of pharmacists across Tasmania, I thank Deputy Premier Guy Barnett for his service and leadership in the Tasmanian health portfolio.


“His time as Health Minister saw a great deal of progress, utilising the skills and expertise of pharmacists to boost timely, accessible care for Tasmanians.


“As we look forward to the next steps of the government’s scope of practice review, PSA looks forward to continuing to work with the Rockliff Government and Minister Petrusma to advocate for the role of pharmacists in our state’s healthcare system.”


Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

Pharmacists back proposal to make interstate prescriptions easier to access in Tasmania

18 October 2024


Tasmanian Health Minister Guy Barnett MP has today announced a proposal to amend the Poisons Act 1971 to allow prescriptions issued interstate to be filled by Tasmanian pharmacists.


The proposal is welcomed by Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) Tasmania President Mark Kirschbaum FPS.


“The proposed changes to the Poisons Act will have a widespread positive impact, providing greater access to medicines for conditions like ADHD,” Mr Kirschbaum said.


“PSA has a long history of advocating for harmonisation of regulations and legislation across the country. We’re glad to see Tasmania take action to ensure medicines are accessible and safe when and where they’re needed.”


The Minister also announced that the Tasmanian Department of Health will also undertake a comprehensive review of the Poisons Act. PSA will continue to engage with the Minister’s office and Department to ensure that any legislative changes support the role of pharmacists in the safe and effective use of medicines.

Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

Experienced pharmacy leader elected as PSA Tasmania President

3 July 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is proud to announce the election of experienced pharmacy leader Mark Kirschbaum FPS to lead the Tasmanian branch.


Mr Kirschbaum is the Pharmacy Board of Australia’s practitioner member from Tasmania, a locum community pharmacist and academic at the University of Tasmania in Launceston.


Mr Kirschbaum is experienced in regulation, policy and advocacy, and has worked collaboratively with PSA over many years to improve patient access to care and quality use of medicines. Recently, Mr Kirschbaum has been involved in the redevelopment of Professional Practice Standards and the Tasmanian Government’s Scope of Practice Review for Pharmacists.


Outgoing Tasmanian Branch President David Peachey will continue to serve as Vice-President, alongside Joanne Gross MPS, with Dr Shane Jackson FPS continuing as National Board Director.


Mr Kirschbaum thanked outgoing President David Peachey MPS for his service to the profession and the Tasmanian Branch.


“I sincerely thank David Peachey for his leadership as President of our branch since 2021. I look forward to continuing to work with Vice-Presidents Dave and Joanne, and the Branch Committee to represent and support Tasmanian pharmacists.”



Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

Tasmania expands access to oral contraception from today

1 July 2024


From today, Tasmanian pharmacists can extend prescriptions for oral contraceptive pills in a move welcomed by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

Following a consultation with a pharmacist, Tasmanian patients aged 16 to 50 who have been stable on an oral contraceptive pill for two years will be able to access an additional 12 month supply of their pill. Patients must return to their GP every two years for assessment.

Joining Tasmanian Health Minister Guy Barnett MP and Minister for Women Jo Palmer MLC yesterday, PSA Tasmanian Branch President Mark Kirschbaum FPS welcomed the announcement.

“PSA has proudly advocated for expanded access to the oral contraceptive pill for some time, and we are particularly welcoming of the measure as a permanent part of our health system,” Mr Kirschbaum said.

“Improving safe access to contraception is essential to improving Tasmanians’ access to health care. As pharmacists, we are proud to be playing our part in making accessible when and where they are needed.

“PSA continues to support pharmacists across the state, with training available to all Tasmanian pharmacists participating in the program.

“We are encouraged to see the Tasmanian Government take action on the recommendations of the Pharmacist Scope of Practice Review, and look forward to supporting the government in their work to implement the remaining recommendations,” Mr Kirschbaum concluded.

Training is now available for Tasmanian pharmacists here.


Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

PSA welcomes assistance for Tasmania’s hospital pharmacists

27 May 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) welcomes targeted assistance for Tasmania’s hospital pharmacists.

The allowance announced by Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing Guy Barnett MP aims to attract and retain pharmacists practising across the Tasmanian Health Service including in Statewide Hospital Pharmacy.

PSA Tasmania branch President David Peachey said adequate staffing across Tasmania’s public hospitals is critical to strengthening patient care.

“Strengthening our hospital pharmacist workforce, ensuring that they are supported to do their jobs, is an important step in implementing recommendations from the 2023 Tasmanian Pharmacist Scope of Practice Review,” Mr Peachey said.

“We want to see a health system that values the role of hospital pharmacists, and supports them to practice to their top of scope, including through partnered pharmacist medication charting.

“There is more to be done to unlock the full potential of pharmacists across our health system, but a strong workforce is essential to delivering the benefits of practising to our full and top of scope.

“I thank Minister Barnett and the Rockliff Government for their recognition of the critical role pharmacists play in our health system, and their continued support for our profession,” Mr Peachey concluded.

Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

Tas expands pharmacy services to UTI treatment

12 February 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) welcomes the Tasmanian Government’s announcement that pharmacists will be authorised to supply treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) from March this year.

Every community pharmacist in Tasmania will be able to take part in additional training to offer the program which is modelled on services already operating in other states.

PSA Tasmania President David Peachey MPS said the move utilises the state’s most accessible health care professionals to continue supporting timely patient care.

“PSA welcomes Minister Barnett’s move to give Tasmanians greater access to safe health care when and where they need it,” Mr Peachey said.

“We have already seen UTI prescribing programs work successfully around the country – and in Queensland for quite a few years now.

“We know that around half of women will experience a UTI in their lifetime, and that timely access to treatment is key to alleviating discomfort and preventing further complications or hospitalisation.

“Pharmacists are key to strengthening the health care system. Regional and rural communities across Tasmania will benefit enormously from being able to access treatment from their local pharmacist, freeing up our hardworking rural GPs for more complex patient needs.”

PSA’s Managing uncomplicated cystitis training program is now available to all Tasmanian pharmacists. Successful completion allows the pharmacist to provide an assessment and treatment, if deemed appropriate, for uncomplicated UTIs in women aged 18 to 65, once the program commences from 1 March 2024.

Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

Tasmanian pharmacists to support palliative care at home

18 January 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has partnered with the Tasmanian Government to help support palliative care patients stay at home and receive the care and medicines they need in a comfortable, familiar environment.

Announced by Health Minister Guy Barnett MP in Launceston today, the program supports community pharmacies across Tasmania to continuously stock essential palliative care medicines, ensuring these are available to patients across the state when needed.

PSA will deliver training in the provision of essential palliative care medicines for pharmacists and GPs as part of the program, ensuring the safe and quality use of medicines thanks to funding from the Tasmanian Department of Health.

PSA Tasmanian President David Peachey MPS said the joint approach demonstrated a commitment to improving palliative care for all Tasmanians.

“PSA is proud to be a part of this innovative program to improve services and support for palliative care patients within our community,” Mr Peachey said.

“Timely access to medicines to manage end of life symptoms is essential to a quality end of life journey for patients and their families. Palliative medications are needed within hours, not days, which is why it is so important that they are easily accessible within the community.

“Having more Tasmanian pharmacists educated and trained to supply palliative medicines means that we can make their safe and quality use more accessible to more people at the end of their lives,” Mr Peachey concluded.

PSA National President Dr Fei Sim FPS also welcomed the move, pointing to the growing role of pharmacists in palliative care following nation-wide consultation on the upcoming palliative care foundation training program.

“Upskilling local pharmacists in palliative care will increase the capacity of community palliative care teams, community pharmacists, and general practitioners to provide care to patients at the end of life,” she said.

“Pharmacists will increase collaboration and coordination of local palliative care services, reducing unnecessary hospital presentations.

“We look forward to evolving the support for pharmacists within the palliative care team as part of the ComPPaCT initiative,” Dr Sim concluded.

The pharmacist palliative care foundation training program will be available to all Australian registered pharmacists. More information and instruction on how to enrol will be communicated to PSA members in 2024.

Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

Nation-leading partnered prescribing pilot to support Tasmanian aged care residents

14 September 2023


Joining pharmacists on R U OK? Day, Tasmanian Health Minister Guy Barnett MP announced that Tasmanian pharmacists will soon be able to prescribe medicines for aged care patients under a new pilot program following the release of recommendations from the Review of Tasmanian Pharmacists’ Scope of Practice, which have been accepted by the state government in full.


The Tasmanian Health Minister also announced that patients will soon be able to access treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs).


Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) Tasmanian President David Peachey MPS said the move demonstrated a commitment to improving accessible care for Tasmanians.


“I am proud to see the Tasmanian Government leading the nation on reform to best support aged care patients and our broader health system,” Mr Peachey said.


“It’s clear that we need to do more for our older Australians living in residential aged care. Allowing pharmacists to write repeat prescriptions or change the dose of an existing drug will free up hundreds of GP hours for complex and emerging needs.


“Pharmacists in many parts of Australia are already initiating treatment for uncomplicated UTIs, supporting safe, timely access to care for thousands of patients,” Mr Peachey said.


“Today’s announcement brings Tasmania in line with programs around the country.


“Pharmacists have shown that we can and should be doing more to improve patients’ access to care and strengthen the health system.”


Mr Peachey has also reaffirmed PSA’s support for expanding pharmacist scope of practice to better support Tasmanians.


“The recommendations from the Scope of Practice review are a positive step toward a health system that works for patients.


“Recommendations from the review will make care more accessible for many Tasmanians, from structured prescribing to medication charting.


“This is recognition that pharmacists can and should do more as our most accessible health care professionals. This is particularly important as we mark R U OK? Day and the role that pharmacists can play in supporting patient’s mental health.


“PSA is committed to working collaboratively with the Health Minister and the Tasmanian Government to progress all recommendations as soon as possible.”


Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798      E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au