What did we do?
In collaboration with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), PSA co-designed and delivered an update to the PSA’s Guidelines for pharmacists supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with medicines management. These guidelines help pharmacists around Australia, in all practice settings, deliver the best care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
Why did we do it?
A number of significant gaps were identified in the previous version of the guidelines, published in 2014, due to fundamental changes in how pharmacists deliver services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Value to PSA members
These resources will support the profession by enabling the delivery of high-quality pharmacy services that provide measurable patient outcomes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Project impact
The principles included in the guideline are relevant to all current and future pharmacists, from those just starting their professional journey to those with years of experience working in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector.
Artist’s acknowledgement and story of artwork
Lani Balzan is the artist and a proud Aboriginal woman from the Wiradjuri people of the three-river tribe. Her family originates from Mudgee but she grew up all over Australia and lived in many different towns. She now calls the Illawarra home. The three circles with hands and pathways represent the connection supporting both patients and other health service team members to ensure patients can access medicines and use them appropriately. The hands represent wellness, health and care. Six elements have been created in the design which represent gathering elements, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Person Centred, Medicines, Pharmacists, Wellness, Health.