
Diversity, equality and continuity of leadership

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s (PSA) Board Elect met yesterday to elect Board leadership positions.


As a result of the recent PSA elections, more than half of the PSA Board are now women, with Directors also representing diversity in age and cultural backgrounds.


With experience in community pharmacy, academia and research, hospital pharmacy, general practice and interdisciplinary care, and the pharmaceutical industry this highly skilled and capable Board has been appointed to represent the profession.


The Board Elect’s first decision has been to re-appoint Associate Professor Chris Freeman as PSA National President. Under Chris’ leadership, he has helped to steer the profession through the pandemic while PSA continues to go from strength to strength.


Michelle Lynch and Renae Beardmore will also continue in their roles as PSA Vice Presidents. Michelle has been the chair of the Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee of the PSA, and through her leadership, has embedded robust financial oversight of the Society.


Renae, as the chair of the Policy and Advocacy Committee has driven PSA’s policy and advocacy contribution to the profession, while also focused on ensuring the best possible implementation of the 7th Community Pharmacy Agreement.


The Board would like to acknowledge the significant contributions of retiring directors Joe Demarte, Lauren Burton, Peter Carroll, and Chris Shenton who have each shown an unwavering dedication to PSA members and the profession as a whole.


The Board has committed to remain focused on PSA’s strategy to achieving pharmacist scope of practice fulfillment, improved pharmacist remuneration and conditions, and better recognition for pharmacists’ contribution to patient care.


Board members will officially take office from 1 July 2021.




Media contact: PSA media 0424 777 463

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