
Outstanding QLD pharmacists recognised

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) Queensland Branch yesterday celebrated the outstanding pharmacists through its annual awards, presented at the Queensland Annual Therapeutic Update (ATU).


PSA Queensland Vice-President Karla Wright, presented the awards on Saturday night and thanked them for their ongoing dedication to the profession.  


The 2022 PSA Queensland Pharmacist of the Year was awarded to Lakis ‘Lucky’ Zeniou.


The 2022 Professor James Dare Queensland Pharmacy Graduate of the Year was awarded to Renee Buckland from James Cook University.


The 2022 Queensland Early Career Pharmacist of the Year was awarded to Elisha Noone.


The 2022 Queensland Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Carmel Delahunty.


Ms Wright congratulated all award winners on their achievements, and thanked all Queensland pharmacists for their hard work over the last year.


“Congratulations to all the award winners and nominees,” she said.


“These pharmacists have gone above and beyond to demonstrate their leadership and commitment to the health and wellbeing of their communities. PSA is proud to be celebrating all that makes Queensland pharmacists great.


“The 2022 QLD ATU has demonstrated the commitment and dedication of our profession, bringing together pharmacists from around Queensland to collaborate and celebrate our many successes.”



Media notes on award winners


2022 PSA Queensland Pharmacist of the Year – Lakis ‘Lucky’ Zeniou.


Lucky is passionate about the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities and is a role model and advocate for the integration of pharmacists into the primary health care teams of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHOs).


Lucky has been working with the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) sector for over 12 years, including his current role for the past 7 years as Senior Pharmacist at the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH). Together with his team they provide oversight for the delivery of quality use of medicine initiatives within the 19 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service clinics located in South East Queensland. Prior to working at IUIH, he was the Queensland QuMAX Support Pharmacist, which involved implementing QuM measures within ACCHO’s throughout Queensland and liaising with community and hospital pharmacies to encourage QuM initiatives through collaboration and improved cultural safety.


2022 Professor James Dare Queensland Pharmacy Graduate of the Year – Renee Buckland.


The Professor James Dare Queensland Pharmacy Graduate of the Year recognises achievements in pharmacy beyond just academic success.  Renee was nominated for this award for her outstanding commitment to pharmacy and her promising career in the sector.


2022 QLD Early Career Pharmacist – Elisha Noone.


Elisha has a special interest in palliative care and is currently completing her Masters of Palliative Care through Flinders University. She is a pharmacist advocate with a passion to integrate pharmacists within the palliative care sector.


Elisha is the Project Pharmacist – Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative (BSPCC) on the palliPHARM initiative, works on PallConsult, a 24/7 palliative care advice hotline for doctors, NPs, paramedics and pharmacists and supports the Specialist Palliative Care in Aged Care Project which supports people at end-of-life residing in Residential Aged Care Facilities. Most recently Elisha has been supporting Queensland state-wide Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) services.


2022 QLD Lifetime Achievement Award – Carmel Delahunty.


Carmel Delahunty has been a pharmacist for 46 years since her traineeship in 1976 at McSweeny’s at Oriel Rd & Toombul Pharmacies.


Through her career, she has owned and operated multiple pharmacies, health food stores, perfumeries and photo developing stores.


Additionally, Carmel has been an active member of the pharmacy industry, holding the position of Secretary for QLD Pharmacy Ball Committee in 1990’s which at its peak was attended by approximately 1,000 pharmacists. Carmel was also an inaugural member of the Advisory Committee at QUT Pharmacy School, mentoring many pharmacy students and pharmacists over her career.  


Carmel has been an early adopter & advocate of expanding pharmacy practice through her career. She has completed an Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Pharmacy in 1996, is certified as a Counsellor for Preventative Medicine Movement, was a member of the Advisory Committee at the Endeavor College of Natural Medicine and is registered as an Immunisation Pharmacist. She has continued to contribute to the pharmacy industry, most recently working for QLD Health manufacturing Covid Vaccines during the peak vaccine demand.


Carmel is also a Fellow of the Australian College of Pharmacy and a Fellow of the Australia Institute of Company Directors.


On top of all this, she has managed to raise 4 children and volunteer her time to multiple community groups.



Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0410 505 315     E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

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