Pharmacists protecting Australians from the deadly flu virus
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia flatly rejects unsubstantiated claims from AMA president Dr Tony Bartone that pharmacist immunisers have used expired influenza vaccines – an action that would be unethical, unprofessional and illegal.
PSA, the peak national body for pharmacists, calls on Dr Bartone to retract his comments, apologise to pharmacist immunisers for the error, and release a statement reassuring all people who have received a vaccination from a pharmacist that their treatment is safe and effective.
PSA president Dr Chris Freeman said there was no evidence an expired vaccine had been used by a pharmacist, as was claimed by Dr Bartone earlier this week.
“Pharmacists take seriously their essential role in providing safe and appropriate medicines,” he said.
“All pharmacist immunisers are trained to the same standard as other immunisers in Australia, and pharmacists have stringent quality controls that prevent the use of expired or superseded stock, including influenza vaccines
“In 2018, more than 1 million Australians safely received their flu vaccinations from a pharmacist.
“Vaccination against preventable diseases is one of the most effective and safe health interventions available to Australians. The use of fear or doubt about vaccination safety as a tool to ignite fear needs to stop immediately for the benefit of all Australians.”
Dr Freeman said PSA will be working with all stakeholders to address the damage these comments by the AMA president have caused to the perception of vaccination as a safe and effective method of preventing influenza.
For further comment please contact PSA Media on 0487 922 176