
Pharmacists to administer RSV vaccines in NSW

1 March 2024


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) encourages New South Wales residents over the age of 60 years to book an RSV vaccine appointment with their local pharmacist, following the NSW Government today becoming the first state to allow pharmacists to initiate and administer RSV vaccines. 


The updated NSW Pharmacist Vaccination Standards follows yesterday’s statement from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, recommending people over the age of 75 years receive RSV vaccination as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged over 60 years and those aged over 60 with medical conditions that increase the risk of severe disease due to RSV. All other people over the age of 60 years are also eligible for RSV vaccination. 


PSA NSW President Luke Kelly welcomed the move, saying it was important people protected themselves against infectious diseases ahead of winter. 


“We’ve seen massive advances in vaccine technology in recent years and it’s fantastic older Australians – the people who are most at risk of complications and death from RSV – can take positive steps to protect themselves,” he said. 


“I thank the NSW Government for proactively expanding vaccination access for our most vulnerable populations and look forward to continuing to work alongside them to improve vaccine uptake across New South Wales.” 


PSA National President, Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS, called on other Australian jurisdictions to follow NSW’s lead. 


“ATAGI yesterday issued three significant statements about vaccination – for COVID-19, influenza and, for the first time, RSV. Now we have a vaccine that is recommended, it’s important to make sure people can access it from all their regular vaccine providers.” 


RSV vaccines are currently not funded by the National Immunisation Program. 


PSA is hosting a LIVE WEBINAR Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prevention in Older Adults Amidst Expanding Vaccine Landscape on Wednesday 20 March at 7pm AEDT. Registrations are essential – visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2fW5xOFBS2agw_W8b1J9Cw#/registration 

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