
PSA applauds Northern Territory’s expansion of pharmacist authority to prescribe and administer a wider range of vaccines

3 February 2025


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) commends the Northern Territory Government for its decision to further expand the scope of pharmacist-administered vaccination.


Effective immediately, pharmacists in the Territory are authorised to prescribe and administer a wider range of vaccines, including private market vaccines such as shingles and whooping cough vaccines when not covered under the National Immunisation Program (NIP).


Additionally, from today, NT pharmacists can also administer the Respiratory Syncytial Virus vaccine (RSV) at no cost to patients through the NIP during pregnancy from 28 to 36 weeks’ gestation.


PSA SA/NT President Dr Manya Angley FPS lauded the initiative, stating, “This development is a significant advancement in public health, enhancing access to essential vaccines for Territorians.


“The current measles alert in the NT is a timely reminder of the importance of staying up-to-date with vaccination and catching up on missed doses,” she continued.


“By empowering pharmacists to authorise and administer an expanded range of vaccines, including NIP vaccines like RSV, the Northern Territory Government is leveraging the expertise of pharmacists to improve healthcare delivery, particularly in remote and underserved communities”, Dr Angley said.


PSA has long advocated for the expansion of pharmacists’ roles in immunisation, recognising the potential to increase vaccination rates and reduce the burden on other healthcare providers. This change will make it easier for patients to access life-saving vaccines closer to home at their convenience.


PSA National President, Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS, encouraged other Australian states and territories to follow the Northern Territory’s leadership in this area.


“Expanding pharmacists’ vaccination authority nationwide will improve vaccination accessibility and immunisation coverage across the country. PSA urges all jurisdictions to consider similar measures, removing barriers such as limitations on vaccine, patient age, funding and location of vaccination,” A/Prof Sim concluded.


PSA remains committed to supporting pharmacists in delivering high-quality and accessible healthcare services and will continue to advocate for policies that optimise the role of pharmacists in Australia’s health system.

Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au


Note: The Professional Practice Standards defines prescribing as ‘an iterative process involving the steps of information gathering, clinical decision-making, communication and evaluation that results in the initiation, continuation or cessation of a medicine. This may differ from the definition provided in the legislation governing the use of medicines in each jurisdiction. Health professionals are advised to review the legislation in effect in the state or territory in which they practice to ensure they understand their legal authorisation to prescribe medicines’.


The updated SSTP authorises pharmacists to initiate and administer listed vaccines. This authority does not extend to the issuing of a prescription for dispensing and/or administration of another health practitioner.


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