
PSA, PDL partner to launch conference volunteer award

21 June 2024

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) and Pharmaceutical Defence Limited (PDL) have joined forces to deliver National Conference Volunteer Program, giving pharmacy students from universities around the country the chance to connect with their peers and experience one of Australia’s leading pharmacy conferences.


As part of the program one outstanding student volunteer will receive the PDL PSA Conference Volunteer of the Year award, and a $500 contribution toward further education.


National President Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS launched PSA’s partnership with PDL, welcoming the opportunity to thank and celebrate PSA24’s student volunteers.


“Our student volunteers make a huge difference to our conferences,” A/Prof Sim said.


“We are proud to not only provide students with the opportunity to experience the conference, but also to offer a tailored volunteer program including an interactive education session with PDL as part of their experience.


“We are thrilled to also be able to join PDL to recognise the hard work and dedication of PSA24’s student volunteers. On behalf of PSA I express our gratitude to PDL for their ongoing support of the pharmacy profession, including the future pharmacists who volunteer with us at PSA24.


PDL Chair Paul Naismith MPS looks forward to PSA24 and supporting the student volunteers.


“We are delighted to partner with PSA for their national conference volunteer program. Student volunteers play a key role in running pharmacy conferences, and we look forward to awarding an outstanding volunteer at PSA24.


“PDL is pleased to support initiatives that help students get involved in the profession.”


Attendees will be able to nominate student volunteers throughout the conference, with the award presented at Sunday’s closing plenary.



Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au