
TGA to brief pharmacists on vaping reform

16 February 2024


Chief Medical Adviser of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Professor Robyn Langham joins Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) National President Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS this month for a national webinar on recent and planned changes affecting the supply and regulation of vaping products.

Clearing the Air – Navigating the Vaping Reforms with Confidence explores recent regulatory changes (and those in the pipeline) and what they mean for pharmacists. It will also introduce the TGA’s new validation tool providing real-time monitoring of Special Access Scheme and Authorised Prescriber scheme notifications to support safe dispensing of unapproved therapeutic goods.

An update on evidence-based approaches for smoking and vaping cessation and nicotine dependence management will also be covered by guest speakers from the ‘National Quit Training and Resource Centre for Nicotine Cessation’ (Quit Centre) which provides a national best practice support service for health professionals.

A/Prof Fei Sim FPS urged pharmacists to attend the webinar and hear directly from the TGA.

“This webinar is a chance for pharmacists to hear directly from the TGA and experts in the field, to gain in-depth understanding of the new regulatory environment, especially as it relates to dispensing unapproved vaping products.

“I strongly encourage all pharmacists to attend, especially pharmacists who supply or are looking to supply vaping products, to ensure as pharmacists we are meeting our professional obligations in our practice and providing best-practice smoking cessation support to patients.”

Pharmacists can visit Clearing the Air – Navigating the Vaping Reforms with Confidence to register.

Pharmacists can also visit the TGA’s Vaping Hub to find more information on the regulatory changes to vapes, including sourcing and dispensing within the new regulatory settings.


Clearing the Air – Navigating the Vaping Reforms with Confidence

Tuesday 27 February 2024, from 7.30pm AEDT

Presented in collaboration with the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care


Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au