
Thank Your Pharmacist today, more than ever

21 March 2024

Today the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) marks Thank Your Pharmacist Day, celebrating the ongoing commitment and dedication of pharmacists practising across our health system.

This year’s Thank Your Pharmacist Day theme is More than ever.

The theme acknowledges the increasing role of pharmacists across Australia’s community pharmacy network, hospitals, general practices, aged care facilities and in a diverse range of specialised practice areas.

Pharmacists are more important to the health of Australians than ever before, everywhere that medicines are used.

PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS encouraged all Australians to say thanks to their local pharmacist today.

“Today is an opportunity for all Australians to say thank you,” A/Prof Sim says.

“Every single Australian has benefitted from the expertise of pharmacists, whether directly or indirectly, in a pharmacy or in one of many other health settings that pharmacist advice is available in.

“More than ever, pharmacists across the country are providing medicines ensuring that Australians have access to essential care.

“More than ever, pharmacists are providing more acute common ailments management and chronic disease management services.

“More than ever, pharmacists are providing more complex medication management reviews and being embedded in more settings where medicines are used.

“More than ever, hospital pharmacists are championing the safe and effective use of medicines from inpatient bedsides to emergency departments and outpatient clinics.

“More than ever, industrial pharmacists are developing new technologies to meet the growing health needs not only of Australians, but of people right around the world.

“Pharmacists, more than ever, are actively helping to improve patient’s access to care and quality use of medicines and medicine safety.

“To every pharmacist – wherever you practise – Australia says thank you.”

​To get involved with this Thank Your Pharmacist Day, downloadable resources are available at www.psa.org.au/thankyourpharmacist

Media contact:   Georgia Clarke   M: 0480 099 798  E: georgia.clarke@psa.org.au

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