
Three new PSA Fellows recognised for contribution to pharmacy

Tuesday 21 September 2020


The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has announced three new Fellows in recognition of their outstanding contribution to PSA and the pharmacy profession.


The three recipients Luke Kelly (NSW), Patricia Payne (NSW) and Dr Tin Fei Sim (WA) were recognised as part of World Pharmacists Week having achieved a significant advancement in the practice of pharmacy over an extended period of time.


PSA National President Associate Professor Chris Freeman congratulated the new Fellows and acknowledged the significant impact they have made to pharmacy throughout their careers.


“All three of these pharmacists have displayed a significant contribution to the profession and are worthy of being elevated to the status of Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,” he said.


“Fellowships of PSA are a prominent acknowledgement of those who have provided an outstanding contribution to the Society or the profession for an extended period of time.


“On behalf of PSA, I thank them for their ongoing service and dedication to improving pharmacy practice and patient care.”


The 2020 PSA Fellows are:


Luke Kelly, NSW


Mr Kelly has been instrumental in engaging pharmacists in the Newcastle and Hunter Valley region. When Mr Kelly became President of the Newcastle Hunter Valley Association he was proactive in reaching out to the peak body (PSA) to coordinate and run educational workshops to support the needs of pharmacists within his region. He has supported and coordinated educational opportunities for pharmacists and pharmacy students in the area and is an absolute champion of pharmacy initiatives in the Newcastle Hunter region. This has facilitated a successful partnership between, PSA, pharmacists and the Hunter New England Central Coast PHN – broadening the opportunities pharmacists have to work within multidisciplinary teams as well as building the capacity of the pharmacists workforce to better service the needs of the community.  Over his time as a business owner and lecturer in clinical leadership at the University of Newcastle, Mr Kelly has been an outstanding role model to students and has mentored many early career pharmacists with valuable coaching on the importance of running a professional business in a challenging and competitive environment.  Mr Kelly has also been integral in supporting the roll out of My Health Record in community pharmacies – working with the PHN to provide instore support to its uptake and use.


Patricia Payne, NSW


Mrs Payne has been a long-standing member of the pharmacy profession and PSA and her contribution to the profession has been outstanding not only at a local level but also on an international standing. Mrs Payne was instrumental in establishing an active women in pharmacy group in NSW in the late 1990’s and is still active to this day. In addition to the promotion of female pharmacists’ in NSW, Mrs Payne also established women in pharmacy events at several International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) conferences. Mrs Payne has held executive positions on the Community Pharmacy Section of FIP and has been an active member of the Board of Pharmaceutical Practice (BPP). Not only has Mrs Payne spent her life providing services to patients in a community pharmacy, she has also helped to raise money and awareness of children’s genetic disorders. Through charity events over many years, Mrs Payne has raised millions of dollars for important research and has been able to utilise her pharmacist skills to take on this extended role.


Dr Tin Fei Sim, WA


Dr Sim has been in practice for 10 years, yet her achievements and contribution to the advancements of the pharmacy profession in Western Australia and nationally would be impressive spread across a lifetime. Dr Sim is a partner-proprietor of two pharmacies in WA and has created the new “Caring Pharmacy” banner group to promote pharmacy practice with the emphasis on provision of professional services. Dr Sim has served the profession through her involvement in a number of PSA committees. In her role as President of the PSA WA Branch she has had a major impact on the delivery of professional services in WA pharmacies. Dr Sim is a highly successful teacher of pharmacy practice and pharmacotherapy to pharmacy students for 10 years also negotiating the inclusion of Mental Health First Aid and immunisation into the pharmacy programmes, ensuring Curtin University’s pharmacy graduates enter the profession with enhanced skills. Dr Sim is an outstanding role model who has been recognised with the awards of WA Young Pharmacist of the Year in 2018 and national Early Career Pharmacist of the year in 2019.


Media contact: PSA Media 0487 922 176

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