
WA Health ease prescription difficulties during COVID-19

26 March 2020


The Western Australia’s Chief Health Officer has today announced temporary arrangements to ease prescription difficulties in response to the COVID-19 emergency, a move that has been welcomed by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).


PSA WA President, Dr Fei Sim congratulated WA Health and Dr Robertson for this sensible approach which will reassure patients that they will be able to access medicines.


Patients running short of prescription medications will now be able to obtain additional supply under special arrangements.


“This change allows pharmacists to dispense prescription medications, subject to meeting certain conditions. The medicine must have been previously prescribed and be for the continuation of current essential treatment where it is impractical to obtain a prescription,” Dr Sim said.


“In light of the developing COVID-19 pandemic, this change will enable pharmacists to best service their patients.


“Our patients are looking to us to provide them with medicines, on-going care, critical information and support.”


These changes have been enacted by the WA’s Chief Health Officer Dr Andrew Robertson, under the Public Health Act 2016.


The changes are in effect immediately until 31 May 2020.


PSA will continue to work closely with WA Health to support pharmacists and the Western Australian community during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Resources can be found through the PSA COVID-19 web page: www.psa.org.au/coronavirus


PSA contact: Christianne White, PSA WA State Manager 0415 213 661


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