Writing for Australian Pharmacist
Expression of interest for writing Australian Pharmacist articles
Publication is not guaranteed and is at the sole discretion of PSA. Potential authors are encouraged to contact Australian Pharmacist prior to beginning an article, so the proposal can be scoped prior to the article development and an author brief can be drawn up.
Criteria for article submissions:
- The content must be evidence-based and referenced.
- Clinical information/material should be consistent with current guidelines and recommendations wherever possible. For example: RACGP Therapeutic guidelines, eTG complete.
- The author/content developer must be a subject matter expert with relevant credentials.
- The article should be targeted to all pharmacists working in all diverse practice settings, but remain relevant to all other health professionals wherever possible.
- The content must not contain any personal opinions or biases. Personal opinions relating to clinical matters are only acceptable, with a caveat, when it is within the purview of the subject matter expert.
- The written content will be peer reviewed. The author may be requested to revise their contribution based on the reviewer’s comments, or provide valid reasons as to why the comments should not be considered.
- Referencing must conform to PSA’s in-house writing style, Vancouver style.
- PSA retains Editorial Rights, altering content as deemed necessary.
- PSA retains the Copyright/Intellectual Property Rights upon the article’s inception.
- Any source of financial or other support, or professional positions and relationships which may cause a conflict, must be declared.
Interested in contributing content for Australian Pharmacist?