
Interdisciplinary Team-based Care CSI

Interdisciplinary Team-based Care CSI banner

The Interdisciplinary Team-based Care CSI (ITBC CSI) is dedicated to facilitating optimal collaboration among pharmacists, patients and clinicians from diverse disciplines. It embeds the principles of long-term, best-practice strategies for collaborative and proactive engagement to empower pharmacists in effective assessment, diagnosis, prescribing, clinical intervention, goal-setting and collaborative management plan development.

Deb Hawthorne
Our CSI Chair

Deborah Hawthorne BPharm MPS 


Deborah Hawthorne is a rural Northeast Victorian Consultant pharmacist, recently elected as the chair of PSA’s Interdisciplinary Team Based Care. She brings a wealth of knowledge from a varied career portfolio includes working as a pharmacist in GP clinics, Diabetes Education, Home Medicines Reviews, Residential Medication Management Reviews, Chemical Restraint Consultations, Telehealth Medication Reviews, clinical education and research as an adjunct senior lecturer at the University of Western Australia. 


She is also a current Victorian branch committee member of PSA and a board member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria (PSV).  


Deborah has created several communities of practices aimed at supporting consultant pharmacists in all stages of their careers, in any place of practice, regardless of location. Her unwavering advocacy for consultant pharmacists has earned her multiple national awards. 

Our leadership group members

  • Debbie Rigby BPharm GradDipClinPharm AdvDipNutrPharm CGP AdvPracPharm AACPA FASCP FPS FACP FSHP FAICD 
  • Manya Angley BPharm PhD AACPA FPS 
  • Kelly Abbott BPharm MPS-AACPA FANZCAP (Edu., Prim.Care) 
  • Brooke Snow BPharm 
  • Lily Chong BPharm 
  • Raymond Truong BPharm (Hons) MPS GradCertAppPharmPrac AACPA 
  • Bente Hart M.Sc.Pharm, MPS-AACP, AcSHP, FANZCAP (Generalist, GeriMed) 
  • Rania Saad BPharm 
  • Sharon Doolan BPharm AACPA 
  • Joanne Gross BPharm (Hons) AACPA 
  • Lucy Parker BPharm Grad Dip Clin Pharm, MPS-AACPA 
  • Erin Colreavy BPharm 
  • Brooke Shelly BPharm MPS 
  • Kirstin Turner BPharm MPS AACPA CDE 
  • Nick Mamas BPharm MPS BCPS AACPA 

Why join the CSI-ITBC?

Pharmacists are an essential component of a comprehensive, interprofessional, healthcare team. They can contribute to better medication management, reduce medication misadventure and improve patient outcomes. Improving the practice of interdisciplinary team-based care is a way to improve the quality use of medicines, medicines safety and patient outcomes. This in turn will lead to greater and wider acceptance of the pharmacist as an essential member of a high functioning healthcare team.


An interdisciplinary approach is the preferred model of care to optimise medication management by working collaboratively, with a common purpose, to set goals, make decisions, and share resources and responsibilities. The care team need to work together to provide and implement a medication management plan that meets the patient’s goals and needs.


Home Medicine Reviews (HMR), Residential Medication Management Reviews (RMMRs) and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) Program are established Government-funded programs that enable a comprehensive review of medication regimen in collaboration with the patient, medical practitioners and aged care staff. The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommended an enhanced role for pharmacists in multidisciplinary teams with increased access to medication management reviews and monitoring of the quality and consistency of medication management reviews.


Further models of care including pharmacists in general practice, pharmacists in aged care, and pharmacists in Aboriginal controlled health services are evolving and expanding. Pharmacists have many current and future opportunities to integrate into teams within healthcare settings, to fulfil a much-needed societal role as the stewards of quality use of medicines.


The Leadership group comprises an extraordinary line-up of experienced pharmacists, including Manya Angley, Nicolette Ellis, Joy Gailer, Deborah Gordon, Tim Perry, Neil Petrie, Peter Tenni, Andrew Stafford, and Debbie Rigby as the Chair. The Leadership group will drive, coordinate and moderate activities within the CSI, supported by the Practice Group.


The Interdisciplinary Team-based Care CSI will connect, engage and empower pharmacists with a passion for collaboration, judicious and safe use of medications and optimal patient outcomes.


The key objectives for the ITBC CSI include:


  • Establish a national network of pharmacists practicing in, or aspiring to practice in, interprofessional care teams
  • Cultivate strong relationships to enhance cooperation and increased collaboration within interprofessional care teams and professional organisations
  • Provide a digital platform where members can safely engage, share, empower, debate, learn, connect and collaborate
  • Identify gaps in current practice and unmet learning needs for pharmacist education and professional development
  • Facilitate research by connecting pharmacists with researchers and research opportunities
  • Identify and support implementation of processes to enhance quality and consistency of medication management programs
  • Lead and contribute to the development of resources and continuing professional development to enhance, develop, evaluate and promote the role of pharmacists in interdisciplinary team-based care
  • Contribute to relevant consultation papers and position statements for PSA
  • Build a community of pharmacists that can be utilised to communicate key messages and support education initiatives
  • Produce a White Paper that clearly articulates the complexities, opportunities and challenges to interdisciplinary team-based care and provide options and solutions to these challenges and problems


If you are currently working in, or aspire to work in an interdisciplinary team-care model of care, including when prescribing medicines or conducting HMRs and RMMRs, please join the Interdisciplinary Team-Based Care CSI Group? Want to pick the brains of clinical experts, share interesting patient cases and discuss hot topics with other pharmacists – the on-line forum will provide a safe and collegiate environment. Want to have a voice to inform PSA on policy and advocacy? PSA will benefit from the perspective and experience of pharmacists practicing in interdisciplinary team-based care.