
Respiratory Care CSI

Respiratory Care CSI banner

The Respiratory Care CSI was established with an initial focus on the current status of asthma management in pharmacy practice and the role of the pharmacist in respiratory management. The CSI-RC aims to develop a framework for a Respiratory Toolkit and a National Respiratory Advocacy Strategy.

Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich
Our CSI Chair

Professor Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich BPharm


Professor Bosnic-Anticevich is an internationally recognised leader in clinical pharmacy research in the field of respiratory medicine; in particular the quality use of respiratory medicines. She leads national and international research groups focusing on the use of respiratory medicines in different patient populations. She works across the continuum of health care settings, with a multi-dimensional and inter-professional approach to better understand and improving health outcomes for patients using respiratory medicines.


Professor Bosnic-Anticevich is on the executive committee of Allergic Rhinitis in Asthma (ARIA), the body responsible for creating guidelines for the management of allergic rhinitis and Chair of the Pharmacy ARIA group. Professor Bosnic-Anticevich is a member of the executive committee of the Respiratory Effectiveness Group, an investigator-led, not-for-profit research initiative that has been set up in recognition of the potential value of real-life research and the need to harness real-life evidence to inform meaningful practice guidelines, drug licensing and prescribing decisions. In this capacity she provides international leadership in setting research standards and excellence in real-life research and in evaluating mechanisms for integrating real-life research into clinical guidelines and practice.


Prof Bosnic-Anticevich has evidenced professional, research and thought leadership across the domains of academia, healthcare practice, industry and policy, skills in building teams, partnerships and research capacity, the ability to work with stakeholders to influence health practice and policy, extensive experience in health education consultancy, and the skills and experience to build sustainable long-term, symbiotic relationships with key in national and international partners and stakeholder. She has continued success in building capacity in novel ways, and extensive experience and success in mentoring others to success. She is known for her authentic, adaptive leadership style, and her ability to effectively manage change management within complex teams and programs.


She is the author of over 160 research publications in high impact peer reviewed international journals and has attracted over $17 million of research funding. She is actively involved in the mentoring and supervision of research students and early career researchers.

Our leadership group members

  • Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich BPharm (Hons) PhD MPS
  • Amanda Fairjones BPharm (Hons) MPS
  • Bandana Saini BPharm MPharm MBA PhD MPS
  • Biljana Cvetkovski BPharm(Hons) MPhil PhD MPS
  • Debbie Rigby BPharm GradDipClinPharm AdvDipNutrPharm CGP AdvPracPharm AACPA FASCP FPS FACP FSHP FAICD
  • Katherine Borg BBiomedSci, MPharm, GradCert Pharmacy Practice, MPS
  • Johnson George Bpharm MPharm PhD MPS
  • Lyn Cheong BPharm PhD MPS
  • Sherri Barden BPharm MPS

Why join the CSI-RC?

It is quite clear that over the last 5-10 years the respiratory landscape has been changing. Our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of chronic obstructive lung diseases, specifically asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has meant that the delivery of care has also needed to change. This has implications for pharmacy and pharmacists and while guidelines provide the overall context for the delivery of care, they are rarely fit for purpose for pharmacy.


The Respiratory CSI will bring together pharmacists across the spectrum of practice, research, education and advocacy and will enable a dynamic and vibrant platform from which real-life, practising pharmacists will have the opportunity to input and impact on the strategies developed for the delivery of respiratory care in the community and across the continuum of care. The Respiratory CSI will ensure that practice-based initiatives for respiratory are developed and enabled by pharmacists for pharmacists. It is only through this profession-based approach that patients with respiratory conditions, can receive maximum benefit from pharmacy services, which are effective and sustainable in the real world setting.